Tuesday, 10 August 2010


Today is Tuesday, isn't it?  I'm losing track of days here, but that's the nature of the beast.  Spent another day sitting around the house looking after my sister and visiting gran, mum was off at the hospital.  I'll drive tomorrow as it gets me away and we'll have a wander around Castlebar, grab a bite to eat somewhere, which'll help mum's mind too.

Anyway, training.

Whilst visiting granny I found that the old cow shed has a strong wooden second floor that I can hang off and do pull ups on.  So I did a few sets:
6, 2, 7

Later in the day took the dogs for a walk/jog which got a sweat on me.

Then got back and:

Same squat protocol as before (so that's 210 squats) with only one set of isometric holds as various angles.

Then did kicking practice:

20 rear push kicks each leg
15 snap kicks each leg
20 side kicks each leg
10 double side kicks each leg
20 set ups each leg

Finished off with 50 burpees, which were scarily easy.  Even did them 1-50 in my head as opposed to playing my usual mind games.


Otherwise shoulder, pecs and lower back are all a little tender from yesterday.  We shall see how we feel tomorrow.

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