Monday 9 August 2010


So my dad is still sick and the hospital visits are crappy.  They've made a few mistakes with forgetting to scan him and feeding him at the wrong times and all sorts of stuff that does make you wonder about the Irish health care system.

Grr, wouldn't get this in super efficient Japan!

Anyway, today I stayed at home with my sister as the constant travelling just isn't fair on her.  Managed to have a look at the gym potentials:

This is an 80 litre bin half filled with rain water.

These are sacks filled with turf and that is an ancient rusty cast iron bathtub!  Fun, fun fun!

Short walk in the morning.

Mid afternoon was
Shadow boxing warm up
300 work out in 08:09:00!

Then outside to the gym!

Bin dead lift: 10 reps
Bin pick up to chest: 10, 10 (sort of a clean type motion with different angles, weird hand holds and instability)

Bath lift up (like a tyre flip, only no flip): 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Bags of turf bicep curl: 5, 5, then change to hammer grip: 8, 8, 8

Farmers walk with two bags of turf: 39 sec and 45 sec

Over head clean and press with two bags of turf: 1, 1, 1

Press ups: 20, 15, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Got a good all round pump, especially in the lower back.  The awkward angles and general instability were good and those cleans and presses were real tough.

Went for 40 minute jog/walk/sprint with dogs cross country.  Erratic interval training, sort of. 

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