Well, nearly a week in and Japan is sure amazing. I mean, full on, utterly so, amazing.
Okinawa is incredibly cool and probably the most relaxed place in Japan. So hot too.
James' house is on a hill and running up the damn thing is hard: there's two basic ways, the not so steep way and the very steep way. I tried running the very steep way two days ago and it killed me.
Fitness Goal: Run the whole damn hill!
James has also leant me some funky trainers that have toes. They change how you walk and run and really get to your calves. I can feel the good work they've done after only two days though (I say that, I can also feel a great deal of pain!).
So, training:
1 mile run warm up (including that hill!)
Following circuit - 1 minute each station, 30 seconds rest between
Sledgehammers to tyre x2
Sledgehammer round the world x 2
Step ups (Tyre)
Step ups (two tyre)
Jump ups (two tyre)
Tyre flips
10 plyometric press up/10 burpee, repeat
Person press up
4 minute rest, then repeat (save pressup/burpee)
Person press up was easiest thanks to all that benching
1/2 mile run at beach with 2 x 20 plyometric press ups
Following circuit - 1 minute each station, 30 seconds rest between. All two man drills
Tyre flips
Sprawl & bag charge (1 chargeing, holding, then change)
Fireman's lift shuttle run (1 carrying, 1 load, then change)
Sled pull, then jog with sled for 2nd minute
Band pulls ( 1 holding, 1 doing six point pull, then change)
Sledgehammers to tyre x2
Two circuits, then dip in sea.
The home for BBQ!
This is a placeholder for something I want to think about in more depth
later. Had a really good couple of days. BK and KK were in town visiting.
BK and I ...
7 years ago
The making of a lean mean fighting machine..(Figman) a new breed of pokymon