Friday, 18 June 2010

BJJ and OCF!

Humm... acronyms!

Writing this with a cold, crisp beer next to me.   Mmmm!

Anyway, woke up this morning and trained with Shun. Did a 1 miler, ten 30 pull ups each (sets of 5).  Then Shun had two 6 minute rounds on the pads and I had an 8 minute round.  Hard, sweaty, but good.

Was going to go to Kobudo, but Hisano tempted me with an invite to lunch with her and James at James' favourite place to dine.  Now I was under the impression that Kamefuku was James' favourite place to dine and was therefore shocked and disheartened that there was a second place!

So at 11.15 I joined them for lunch, wondering what special place it could be that would knock Kamefuku from James' pedestal.

Okay, to be fair, after seeing the place, I can see why.  Look at that spread!  And that was only one section!  Yes, here I was in a Japanese All You Can Eat Buffet!

Oh those fools for letting me in the door!

To set the scene it was a restaurant in a new hotel down the road from the shop.  Nice, upper middle class, spacious and filled with the sort of slim, lean Japanese people who would only eat, at most, one plate of food.

It was 1600 Yen, which is about £12, and well worth it in my opinion.  Today was Spanish day ad they had a sort of Spanish theme (I say sort of as, as ever, they'd seen pictures of Spanish food but had made up their own instructions).  Still damn nice though.  I had loads of chicken and prawns and fish and spaghetti with oysters (I guess that must be Spanish) and more chicken, some Thai curry... I avoided the UK beef pie (it was an attempt to be a cottage pie) because it looked wrong.  I haven't pigged out in a long time and made te newbie mistake of drinking loads of ice water (I was thirsty, it was a hot day), which meant I didn't eat as much as I could have.  I still had room for dessert, going for the chocolate fountain and, of course, the ice cream.

Okay, if we ignore the gay pose, you'll notice that I managed to fit twice as much ice cream as should have been possible into that ice cream pot.  Good ice cream too.  And the coffee wasn't too bad.

Obviously I didn't eat as much as I should have, but wait till I return next Friday, then they'll rue the day...!

Got back by way of the Bikram Yoga place, picked up a timetable so me and Hisano will be doing that some time soon. Spent the rest of the day working on a short story: a super hero comedy piss take thing.  I'll stick it up here when it's done by the middle of next week.

Did BJJ tonight, which was good.  Got the better of one of their best guys, practised my spider guard passes and learnt a jumping knee bar (which is just not a technique for me as too quick).  Played with the usual guys, had some nice wins, some losses, but felt better than last time as I'm over that bug.  Still hard training at that intensity in this heat: 5 minute bout then 5 minutes off for nearly an hour and a half!  Everyone ese was doing 5 minute bouts with 10 -15 minutes off, but I am me.  Tired at the end, and thirsty, hence returning, showering and necking two beers!  The guy that runs the place caught me with that jumping knee bar again, and then the second time with an ankle lock that was so tight on the shin.  I wouldn't tap out till it was really close and now my shin is feeling it.  Next time round I was wise to his game and kept him at arm's length, literally.  Screwed up his take down , took side control and dominated.  Fourth time he tried some sot of wrist lock throw that I tore out of and took him down with, was getting full mount when the buzzer went.  Ah well, next week, next week.

Tomorrow Island Hopping!  Woohoo!

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